It’s a Thought that Hadn’t Occurred Before Now

Ritual Cleansing

We’re all familiar with the First Peoples’ ritual of smudging. It seems almost logical, doesn’t it? If something is clouding your spirit, you send it away with sage smoke. Fighting fire with fire.

What I’d forgotten is how ritual cleansing is nothing new for the Abrahamic religions. In fact, their 40 days in the wilderness is symbolic of how long it takes to prepare for a spiritual encounter with angels. But what stops me in my tracks is how angels think of us humans as ‘stinking’ creatures, not worthy of their interest. Well, that opens up a new kettle of fish, doesn’t it?

‘Can you explain to me,’ I asked, ‘why just now, you were still wearing a helmet while I was able to accompany you without one, and yet now I have one while you don’t?’

‘It is very simple. We come from a planet bacteriologically different from Earth, which, for us, is a veritable culture medium. Thus, in order to contact you, I was obliged to take this basic precaution. You, yourself, were a danger to me but you are no longer.’

‘I don’t follow you.’

‘When you entered this cabin, the colour was too intense for you and I gave you the helmet you are now wearing, which was specially designed for you. Indeed, we were able to anticipate your reaction.

‘During the very short time the cabin was yellow and then blue, eighty per cent of the dangerous bacteria in you was destroyed. Then perhaps you felt a coolness in the air, similar to when an air conditioner is working; this was another form of disinfection by…let’s call it radiation, although that is not the correct word – it cannot be translated into any Earth language. In this way, I have been disinfected one hundred per cent, but you still have enough bacteria to harm us considerably. I am going to give you these two pills, and in three hours you will be able to consider yourself as ‘pure’ as one of us.’ As she spoke, she took a little box from beside her bunk, removed the pills and held them out to me, along with a test tube containing a liquid that I supposed to be water. I swallowed them both, lifting the base of my helmet to do so. Next … well, everything happened very quickly and it was all very strange.

Thiaoouba Prophecy (page 10)

For years, I’ve consider aliens to be angels (and demons). They dare not infect us with alien viruses and they definitely don’t want to be infected by us. Hence, (spi)ritual cleansing. Now it all makes sense.

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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