Sufficient Unto the Day (and the Rest)

July 23, 2024

Unfortunately, Google Translate doesn’t do Latin. And according to some critics of the text, this looks fake. Admittedly, my Latin is a little rusty, but I couldn’t make head nor tail of these words. My title says what I think was intended.

What follows are the analyses of the aspect for the day in question. I am only writing them here and now to allow myself a forum for review once the day has passed. This is not required reading for others.

Analysis from my Kepler 7.0 program

Christopher David’s Sun in Aquarius and North Node return’s Sun in Leo

Christopher David is drawn to North Node return’s warm and vitality, and North Node return is drawn to Christopher David’s uniqueness, intelligence, and savvy. There are significant differences between you though. Christopher David’s colleagues, associates, and large social circle of friends and acquaintances is a very important part of Christopher David’s life, while Christopher David’s need for close, personal relationships is not as great as North Node return’s. Christopher David may seem cool and aloof to North Node return. From Christopher David’s perspective, North Node return takes life too personally and seems to dramatize events, idolize individuals, and, in general, be too self-absorbed. You are truly opposites in many ways and can certainly benefit from one another’s attitudes and insights.

Christopher David’s Moon in Scorpio and North Node return’s Moon in Pisces

You are both very intuitive and psychically receptive, and you sense what is going on inside others even when they try to hide it. You have a very sympathetic rapport with one another, and you may get so enmeshed with each other that it is hard for you to tell whether you are feeling your own emotions and responses, or those of your friend.

Both of you are very, very sensitive, but the difference between you is this: Christopher David will hold onto hurt feelings and may harbor unexpressed resentments, jealousies, secret fears, and guilt for a long, long time. North Node return, on the other hand, is much more forgiving, tolerant, and ready to make excuses for the offender. Christopher David is more of a fighter and wants to retaliate when injured; North Node return is basically a peace-loving pacifist who would rather not create more conflict.

Though you both feel very deeply, you may not be very articulate about your feelings and inner experiences. You share an affinity for music. Living near water would be beneficial for both of you.

Analysis from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand

Sun Opposition Venus

This transit brings all relationships into focus. Usually it is a rather easy and pleasant time, but it can release the hidden tensions in your relationships and force them into the open where you will have to deal with them.

This transit signifies that you will encounter yourself through your different relationships. The good ones will remain good, but the bad ones will become unstable and difficult. If you study your reactions and your handling of these situations, you should learn a great deal about yourself.

In particular you may notice that you don’t want to be alone and that you cannot operate without a close relationship with a lover, a friend or even someone whom you consult about a problem. Today is a good day to talk to another person, perhaps a counselor, about anything that is on your mind. You should not try to go it alone today; instead you should try, through everyone you meet, to learn more about how you operate with people. This transit is about consciousness, the awareness of relationship.

Its effects can range from relatively insignificant to highly significant, depending on a lot of background conditions that cannot be taken into consideration here, such conditions as are symbolized by outer-planet transits.

In your personal relationships, this transit should make you very aware of how much you need your loved ones. Usually this is a good transit in that you feel much love and tenderness toward those close to you. If is difficult only if there are problems that you haven’t handled very well.

Venus Square Moon

Not a difficult square, this transit usually creates an amorous mood, making you want to relate to the opposite sex. But there are some problems with this transit. If you are jealous and possessive of your partner, it may produce feelings of love that are suffocating to him or her. Recognize that even the closest relationship needs room to breathe, and avoid being overprotective and smothering. Your partner needs a lover, not a mother! However, you will encounter this problem only if you already tend to be possessive in love.

Discordant transits accompanying this one can indicate conflicts with women, regardless of your own sex. Your mother may present a problem because of the possessive smothering emotion that is characteristic of this transit.

This type of emotion has a positive side also, for it can be transformed into a very warm, protective kind of love that nourishes and supports a lover. In itself the emotion is neither good nor bad; it just has to find an appropriate outlet. However, the one who feels protective seems to think that this is always good, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings in a relationship. You should certainly be aware of any tendency at this time to confuse loving with “parenting.”

Any kind of glandular disturbance will probably be adversely affected by this transit, and women may experience menstrual irregularities.

Moon Trine Uranus

At this time you are likely to crave emotional excitement, something that departs from the routine of your daily life. You are likely to seek out people who are different from those you usually meet. You might spend the day or evening in very different surroundings. And while you may feel a bit impulsive, these impulses make you feel more alive rather than inclined to act rashly or stupidly.

On a more quiet level. you may use this energy to make needed changes in your immediate personal life or your domestic environment. While others may seem startled by your apparently sudden moves, these changes should be constructive, and the people in your life will accept them.

If you have to deal with groups of people or with the general public, you will advocate change and new policies. You may have to assume a leadership role in order to bring this about, so be sure you have the energy and inclination to follow through with this on the long haul. This transit by itself does not supply enough stamina for a continuing effort, because its effects are short-lived.

Sometimes this transit coincides with an unexpected surprise, usually not pleasant, that will changes your plans for the next period of time. Don’t count on having your expectations fulfilled today, although you will have the chance to make whatever happens work out favorably for you.

Uranus Trine Mercury

This transit often produces excitement and interest in everyday life, without pushing the tempo to the point that you can no longer enjoy it. Your everyday activities bring new and interesting encounters that open up aspects of life that you may not have encountered before.

This transit particularly stimulates mental activity. Your mind is sharpened, and your interest in the world about you is increased. You feel ready for anything. as long as it is exciting and different. Your conversations with other people, even those whom you meet every day, become more interesting. When new topics are discussed, you are ready for the new ideas that you are exposed to. This is an excellent time to encounter people and ideas that help you elevate your mental habits and build up better patterns of thinking.

This is also an excellent time for learning new skills, particularly of a scientific or technological nature, and new techniques for expanding your mind and experience. It is also favorable for studying astrology, yoga and other occult techniques. Because of Mercury’s association with travel, this is also a good transit fro traveling, but not if your objective is to “get away from it all” on a lazy relaxing trip. This transit will make travel exciting and interesting in a positive way.

If you have been faced with problems in research or a situation in which you have to come up with a new and creative solution, this transit will help. At other times your mood often gets into a rut in which it runs through the same solutions over and over. This transit allows you to escape from the rut and to think along different lines.

This is a favorable time for introducing new elements into your life. Communications from others may bring an unexpected surprise. Or you may say something that surprises others. This is a favorable time to announce anything new or innovative to the world. For example, this is a good time for a manufacturer to announce a new product or to begin a new and innovative advertising or administration policy within a company.

Pluto Conjunct Venus

This transit is likely to have a great effect upon your relationships and your sex life. If you have no current sexual relationship, this transit could bring you one that is quite intense but not necessarily smooth. You may become quite obsessed by someone of the opposite sex. This transit combination could be described as love’s power, with the emphasis on “power.” Any relationship that begins under this influence is not going to be lukewarm. You will either be entirely involved or not at all.

Under this influence you see love not as part of everyday life, but as an experience that can transcend that reality and transform your life completely. Obviously this is a very tall order to fill, but you may very well succeed now. However, the drives that bring about a relationship under this transit are compulsive and not very rational. Unconscious patterns may play a much larger role in who you choose than your sense of what you need in a partner. If you are not careful you may fall for someone who is extremely difficult to get along with, which is precisely why you are attracted to that person. You almost seem to need the experience of a struggle in a relationship at this time. But you may end up in a situation in which you can’t live with your partner and can’t live without him or her. Fascination with someone who is not very good for you is a great danger with this transit.

However, this effect is not inevitable by any means. A perfectly decent relationship is possible under this transit. The problem is that mainly you are looking for an intense experience, not necessarily a good one. If it happens to be good, it will also be intense, so this transit can signify a very important relationship in your life.

Existing relationships will also be intensified by this transit because your needs are heightened, and you require gratification more urgently. An existing relationship that cannot satisfy your needs may not survive. Certainly the basis of your relationships will change considerably during this time.

If there is no sexual relationship in your life now and this transit does not bring one, this can be a very frustrating time indeed. Your sex drive is very high and needs an outlet. Perhaps it can be sublimated in some kind of creative endeavor, which would be a positive use of the energy. But if you have no outlet at all, you should examine yourself and your entire position on love relationships. You may discover some very severe problems in this area, which you must work on, and now is the time.

Venus Opposition Jupiter

Of all the transits, this one is the most inclined to promote excessive indulgence, but it also indicates great pleasure, joy and satisfaction, if you have the sense not to overdo.

You are certainly not going to feel driven by ambition and the desire to conquer the world. You will want to sit around and take it easy or go out and buy some expensive, luxurious toy. This is certainly not the day to go shopping if saving money is your object, because you will want to buy every nice, pretty or luxurious thing that you see. And probably you will buy them, even against your practical common sense.

Perhaps your worst trouble will result from overeating. Venus and Jupiter together signify heavy, rich, sweet foods. A bad day for diets! You also may drink to excess, leaving tomorrow for recovery. This much must be said: you will enjoy doing it, and that is not all bad.

On the plus side, this transit can bring a very pleasant relationship, if other testimonies coincide. However, you must beware of being influenced solely by beauty, money or qualities that are ultimately short-lived.

If you can handle the energies of this transit with reasonable discipline, you will find it quite enjoyable and good for you.

Mars Trine Venus

This transit is favorable for sexual relationships and for all kinds of creative activity. The trine between Venus and Mars symbolizes the perfect balance between your need to be yourself and your need to relate to another. Thus you will be able to express yourself very well in a relationship, deriving complete gratification and allowing your partner to do the same.

But like all Mars-Venus combinations, this transit is strongly physical rather than psychological in its effects. A purely romantic relationship with no physical sex would not be very satisfactory, but such a relationship is not likely to occur under this influence.

If you are not currently involved in a sexual relationship, this transit by itself is not quite strong enough to bring one. This would require the assistance of other similar transits. However, your erotic fantasies will certainly be stimulated, and persons of the opposite sex who you would not normally look at twice seem much more attractive now. In fact you need to have a certain amount of discretion, lest you get involved in an totally inappropriate relationship. But again this transit is not usually that compulsive.

Artists and creative people will find this transit extremely stimulating, although it does not provide creative inspiration. That must come from other sources. But it does provide the energy to actually do the creative work, which will be unusually expressive of who and what you are.

Jupiter Trine Mars

Unlike the harder Mars-Jupiter transits — the conjunctions, squares and oppositions — this one does not create the irrepressible energy that can be hard to control. It does create an easy flow of energy that enables you to act much more effectively than usual and to take initiatives that demand foresight, careful planning and considerable self-confidence. Almost any initiative that you take now will work out as you want it to. It is a good time to start any enterprise.

Your actions are governed by a strong sense of integrity. You may be ambitious with this transit, but you feel that it is very important to achieve your goals correctly and in accordance with ethical standards. Others will recognize your integrity, which will increase their confidence in you.

Under this transit you have a strong desire to make something of yourself in the broadest sense of the term. For example, there is the drive to succeed, particularly in some project that you have started yourself. There is also a strong need to create, even extending to the biological realm, where this transit can signify a desire to have children. Often this transit coincides with an particularly easy childbirth.

As usual with Jupiter, this transit signifies actions aimed at enlarging your scope of action, giving you more freedom of movement and creating opportunities for new experience.

This is a good time to approach a person with whom you do not usually get along with or someone you have had a temporary dispute with and make an effort to settle it. You will find it easy to convince the other person of the integrity of your motives because it is true, and they will respect that. If you are involved in a legal controversy, this transit is a good time to settle that dispute on terms favorable to yourself.

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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