A Thoroughly Modern Shaman

Carlos Castaneda (December 25, 1925 – April 27, 1998)

Courtesy of WordPress

What was I thinking for all these years? Of course, it is possible to chart this man‘s birth. Most astrology sites have 9:00 am as his birth time. And when you see the result, you can understand why that time may be very accurate, indeed.

Three Fingers of God (Yods)! The apex of one of those Yods is opposite the tail end of another.

Moon Inconjunct Mercury

As you grew older, you will have to learn to make your feelings and your reason work together. The problem is not so much that they come into conflict with each other, but that your reason and feelings represent two very different sides of your personality. When you are calm and collected and able to reflect carefully, you make decisions in one way. But when you are emotionally involved in a situation, you are likely to make up your mind very differently, which could cause you to seem inconsistent to others and make it difficult for them to understand you.

Mercury Inconjunct Pluto

You have a rather complicated and sometimes tricky mind. You usually prefer to do things in roundabout and involved ways instead of being simple and direct.

On another level, this aspect can mean that at certain times in your life you will go through tremendous psychological changes. All your thoughts and opinions will change completely. These stages may seem difficult, but you will be much better off if you let go of the past and welcome the new ideas.

Venus Inconjunct Pluto

This aspect may mean that you are very possessive and demanding of your loved ones. You may not want to accept the fact that your friends can love other people besides yourself. Let your friends be themselves freely when they are with you, and try not to be too demanding of their time. Love for friends and relatives should be given freely, not used as a way to control them. If you do that, you will lose their love.

Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune

You are an idealist with very vivid dreams about how you want your life to be, and at certain times in your life you will follow those dreams with all your energy. But sometimes those idealistic dreams will let you down, because you are not concerned enough with what is real and possible.

Your idealism can be a source of much creative imagination, leading to profound insights and realizations, but only if you remain connected with the actual day-to-day universe in which the rest of the human race lives.

Uranus Inconjunct Neptune

This aspect indicates a generation that had mixed feelings about its ideals and how to implement them. They often felt very confused about their ideals and when they found that their ideals failed because they were badly formulated, this group became disillusioned. States of consciousness beyond the ordinary are very confusing to them, and they prefer not to get involved with such matters.

Pluto Inconjunct Ascendant

This can be an indication that through experiences with others, you will be forced to undergo many significant changes in life. At times the crises may be quite unpleasant, but for the most part the results will be very positive, although for some people, they may be less constructive. But you must be very careful about the kind of people you get involved with. Choose your friends with great care and try to find people who have a healthy outlook on life and who seem reasonably well balanced. People who are driven to extreme behavior or who act compulsively, as if they could not plan anything in advance, are not very good for you. They will get you into difficult situation that you do not need.

(You may have noticed that I did not highlight any of these sentences: that is because all the words seem to apply to Castaneda’s life as a nagual.)


About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to cdsmiller17@gmail.com. (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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3 Responses to A Thoroughly Modern Shaman

  1. Pingback: Are Yaqui Naguals and Bon Ngagpas One and the Same? | cdsmiller17

  2. Pingback: Ah, Here’s the Missing Spiritual Link in a Long Chain | cdsmiller17

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