Today, in History, Amazon was Founded by…

Jeff Bezos (January 12, 1964)

This fact came up on my daily calendar. I then realized that I hadn’t looked at Jeff Bezos in detail before.

When a person’s birth time is unknown, most astrology sites use dawn or noon as the time. In this case, someone went out on a limb and chose 11:33 am, for some unfathomable reason. The site that showed this time marked it as DD (conflicting/unverified). But we have to start some place, so here we are.

There are three inconjuncts:

Jupiter Inconjunct Uranus (definitely)

With this aspect, especially if either of the planets is in conjunction or opposition with the Ascendant or Midheaven, you may be unable to decide whether you should act alone in total freedom or with others in group or social situations. You may feel that instead of believing something that others believe, you have to establish your own ideas and values. You may try to be a nonconformist simply for its own sake, which is obviously a waste. The validity of an idea is totally independent of how many people believe it, and it is as bad to automatically reject what others believe as to accept it blindly.

Jupiter Inconjunct Pluto (for sure)

You have a great deal of creative power, and the major challenge of your life will be learning how to handle it. First of all, you must realize that you will get the most out of life if you direct your energies toward helping the people around you and those you love. You will want to change many conditions in the world, which is fine as long as your reasons are not purely selfish ones.

Even at best you will get a certain amount of resistance from others, because they will feel your energy and be afraid of your motives. Unless you show them that your motives are good and that you can be reasoned with, you will run into opponents who are more powerful than you, who will stop you and make your efforts futile.

Neptune Inconjunct Ascendant (perhaps)

This aspect can be a sign that you feel you must give way to others in order to get along with them. This can take two forms. The less positive form is simply yielding to all outside pressure and always giving in to others. The other, more positive, way of dealing with this energy is by giving freely before others try to take it from you. In the highest expression of this aspect, what you gain for yourself will not mean as much as what you gain for others, which is the effect you should work for.

(Can you see how this last aspect may prove that the timing of his birth is incorrect?)

The Founding of Amazon (July 5, 1994)

In some ways, this chart is an echo of Bezos birth chart, especially the inconjuncts (which are slightly changed, but have three planets – and the Ascendant – in common). The added Venus conjunct Ascendant may be an accidental hint of his reasons for starting Cadabra (as it was first known). It’s a ‘kind of magic act’. I won’t be delineating the inconjuncts, though, since this entity was originally unincorporated. But. far more telling is a comparison for this chart with Bezos natal chart and the chart for the IPO.

The IPO chart was already on my computer program. In many ways, one could say that Amazon is Bezos in corporate clothes. But without the initial start-up from his garage in Bellevue, Washington, the Amazon we know (and love) would never have existed. Can you see that?

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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