Yes, He Definitely was a Super Man

Christopher Reeve (September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004)

This is a hard story to relate to: Christopher Reeve was our hero, especially when he played Superman, but his world came crashing down when he had an equestrian accident on May 27, 1995. Then he became paralyzed from the neck down. He lasted another 9-ish years before slipping into a coma and passing away. Now there’s a documentary about his life, entitled “Super/Man”.

I haven’t investigated it yet, but that Pluto/South Node conjunction with his Leo Ascendant is very interesting. He came into this world definitely with a disruptive past life vibe. However, he has an interactive double Yod, pointing at Mars and Jupiter, and a single inconjunct linking the Moon and his Midheaven.

Moon Inconjunct Midheaven

You need to feel that your family, especially your parents, give you consistent and reliable emotional guidance and support. Without it, you may really feel that you are being pulled in two directions, which can only result in going nowhere.

Mars Inconjunct Jupiter

You have a great need for personal freedom. But while you are young, you may not be very responsible about the way you use your freedom. You may take too many liberties or even interfere with other people’s freedom. Here again the problem is rashness and lack of self-control.

Mars Inconjunct Uranus

Sometimes you may make sudden moves that startle people. You may make a decision very quickly and start to act on it immediately, but that is not such a good idea. Make up your mind more slowly, or at least wait for a while until you start to act. If your idea looks good a couple of days later, it is probably all right to go ahead with it.

Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune

Probably you should not gamble or take excessive risks at any time in your life. Your dreams in this area also will probably go far beyond reality, and you will take chances that can’t possibly be realized. Your idealism can be the source of much creative imagination, leading to profound insights and realizations, but only if you remain connected with the actual day-to-day universe in which the rest of the human race lives.


When comparing his birth, accident and death charts, it is informative that everything looks exactly as it should, including the accidental Mars energy being transited by its Virgo Ascendant. Even his ‘fatal’ Sagittarius Ascendant is conjunct Pluto. You cannot get better time markers than these.

As we’ve seen before, the irony of Superman becoming a paraplegic is not lost on the rest of us. Bless.

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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