It’s a Sign of a Lakota Prophecy Being Fulfilled

White Buffalo Calf Woman

If it weren’t for this young calf being born recently in Yellowstone National Park, this ancient prophecy would have gone unnoticed. What seems significant to me is that it follows on from Chris Bledsoe’s encounter with the Woman in White, starting way back in 2007..

You really cannot make these things up. Change is coming, and humanity needs to wake up to its destiny. The Lakota will rise again. This feels true, as yesterday was National Indigenous People’s Day in Canada.


About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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3 Responses to It’s a Sign of a Lakota Prophecy Being Fulfilled

  1. cdsmiller17 says:

    The timing seems out: Wikipedia states that her visitation to the Lakota was 19 generations ago, which equates to about 500 years. Remember that Columbus set sail in 1492. The 4th turning.


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