Two Hundred People Saw a UFO, None Believed Them

Westall, Australia (April 6, 1966)

I like to think that a crowd of school students and their teacher who witnessed an UFO in 1966 would make the perfect people to tell their story. But they were shut down by the military (implied, Australian) and scorned and ridiculed by the press and scientists. That suggests to me that there is something more to this story, than meets the eye.

Here’s the chart, set for 10 am of the day in question:

Where do I start? Uranus and Pluto being almost exactly conjunct makes me think this was a ‘full disclosure’ event. Those two planets are in opposition to another almost perfect conjunction between Mercury and Saturn. And there are enough inconjuncts to reveal ‘purpose’ behind the event: Mars and Neptune; Sun and Uranus/Pluto; the Moon and Mercury/Saturn; and, finally, the Moon and the Ascendant. The Moon is the apex of a Yod, Finger of God. Only Venus and Jupiter escape the lens of inconjunct aspects.

On Wednesday, 6 April 1966, students and a teacher from Westall High School, now Westall Secondary College, reported seeing a flying object. It was described as round with a domed top, and white, grey, or silver in colour. According to the students, the object descended behind a row of trees and into the Grange, an open area south of the school. Some accounts describe the object as being pursued by five unidentified aircraft. Shaun Matthews was on vacation at the Grange and reported seeing an object with a slight purple hue and about twice the size of a family car.

Some witnesses reported seeing the object take off after landing, and some reported seeing it hover rather than land. When students walked to the Grange after the sighting, some reported a landing site, but the details varied between reports. Students described a circle of grass variously as burnt, “boiled”, or pressed down. One student interviewed by a local newspaper described a vague circular area flattened by the wind. Students also reported varying numbers of circles from one to three. On 9 April 1966, Air Force personnel and UFO enthusiasts visited the field but reported nothing of interest. The landowner burned the field to discourage people from entering the property.


With physical evidence, what is there to doubt? Even the idea of a weather balloon seems improbable.

What do you think?

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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1 Response to Two Hundred People Saw a UFO, None Believed Them

  1. cdsmiller17 says:

    I’m out by an hour…


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