Faith and the Power of Positivity: “You Can Do It”

On a Wing and a Prayer (2023)

We watched this film on Prime Video. It is based on a true story of a family in peril after their pilot dies.

It had us on the edge of our seats, even knowing intuitively that it would turn out alright in the end. The line quoted in my title is a phrase that the wife says to her husband and her children many, many times.

Sometimes You Have to “Let Go” and Trust the Process

The unseen threads of human interaction actually achieved this miracle over the course of one day, but often it takes a lot longer as Chris Bledsoe discovered, which he discussed in his book “UFO of God”.

It wasn’t until Easter 2019, that he had his third and most significant vision of the White Lady (although in his book he only hinted at their interaction).

Instead of the night before Easter, as had been the case during two consecutive visits in 2012 and 2013, she waited until the end of the day. Now, I originally posted this chart as 10 pm, but I think it could have been later and would then have formed a Cosmic Cross, highlighting the Moon in the 12th House (of the Unconscious). The rectified chart is the one now shown. At any rate, it was a significant encounter.

Evidently, she told him of a coming ‘tribulation’, which we now understand to be COVID-19. Having been previously healed by her of Crohn’s disease, in 2012, he’d been suffering increasingly with Rheumatoid arthritis since then. However, the coronavirus had a silver lining for Chris.

I knew I was fragile and booked an appointment with my doctor in early March. Covid was close to getting to North Carolina, but the appointment was important enough to keep.

We talked and my doctor recommended quitting my immunosuppressants and prednisone. By mid-March I was totally off of both. Eventually Yvonne, Emily, and Emily’s husband got sick with the virus, and I had to quarantine out in my workshop. Eventually everyone in the family except me got Covid. I spent six weeks alone out there, and slowly noticed my joints weren’t aching quite as much.

Bledsoe, Chris. UFO of GOD: The Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe (pp. 329-330). Chris Bledsoe. Kindle Edition.

What had changed? Chris had taken some good advice and had started praying for himself, instead of everyone else. Part of that round of prayers resulted in him stopping the medication, which had been interfering with his health. Since then he is completely pain-free. Such is the power of prayer.

The other book I’m reading right now is Cash Peters’ “The Illustrated Law of Attraction”.

The real secret to manifesting, it seems to me, is not to expend colossal amounts of energy chasing the objects of your desire, but rather to relax into your inner Divine sanctuary, and use that point of higher connection to create an energetic environment that allows Unseen Forces to bring the objects of your desire to you.

Peters, Cash. The Illustrated Law of Attraction: Getting More of What You Want By Being More of Who You Are (p. 44). Kindle Edition.

Is the Universe trying to tell me something, or am I just following my intuition? (I recommend it.)

About cdsmiller17

I am an Astrologer who also writes about world events. My first eBook "At This Point in Time" is available through most on-line book stores. I have now serialized my second book "The Star of Bethlehem" here. And I am experimenting with birth and death charts. If you wish to contact me, or request a birth chart, send an email to (And, in case you are also interested, I have an extensive list of celebrity birth and death details if you wish to 'confirm' what you suspect may be a past-life experience of yours.) Bless.
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