Tag Archives: grief

In Moments of Grief…

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We Are in Mourning, Today

Kaiya (July 19, 2017 – October 6, 2022) The cause of her death was accidental, but nevertheless upsetting. She died just over an hour ago. I did Kaiya’s death chart, but I think I’ll withhold it for now. R.I.P. sweet … Continue reading

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How Long Does It Take to Grieve?

Three Days, Three Weeks, Three Months and Three Years A friend of mine died yesterday. I’m not in shock. I’m not in mourning. “Why not?” I asked myself. Because, my mourning of her passing started in October, 2017, when I … Continue reading

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Spiritually, There’s No Denying Evolution

The Shack (2017) Having read the book years ago, I never got around to seeing this film, until last night, on Netflix. Of course, I’d seen the promo videos, but they gloss over the important stuff. Essentially, this is a … Continue reading

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Paranoia: When is It All Too Much?

The Umbrella Man (2016) This was an accidental find yesterday. I was researching the Zapruder film of Kennedy’s assassination and ran across some YouTube videos discussing the Umbrella Man, as he has become known to the world. Here’s the NY … Continue reading

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