Tag Archives: death and dying

Melville’s “Moby Dick” is the Basis of This Film

The Whale (2022) I don’t think I can ever remember watching a film with such an amount of trepidation, both for its outcome and the discomfort exhibited by the characters in the story. There was a lot of distance, factually … Continue reading

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They Say “With Age, Comes Wisdom” but Does It?

Old (2021) On a whim, we watched this film on Netflix last night. I wish we hadn’t, now, partly because we are getting old, and partly because I don’t like psychological horror movies, like “Signs”. However, we watched it until … Continue reading

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Three Months for a Pet to Completely Sever Their Ties

BeBe (passed June 21, 2023) “Ellie Dreams Down Under” posted a YouTube Tarot reading this morning that asked the question as to whether pets are met on the other side when they die. The reading seemed a little backward, at … Continue reading

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In Moments of Grief…

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Adverse Weather Phenomenon is Nothing New

Yangtze River Floods (August 18, 1931 – peak) We tend to think that climate change is a recent thing. It’s not. This image from Wuhan, China in 1931 shows the extent of the flooding that occurred there. Upwards to 4 … Continue reading

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The Daughter of the King is Dead

Lisa Marie Presley (February 1, 1968 – January 12, 2023) Like everyone else on the planet, I am shocked by, but not surprised about, the death of Lisa Marie Presley. They say that one shouldn’t ignore the warning signs of … Continue reading

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If Time is an Illusion, How Does Astrology Work?

Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929 – September 5, 1984) It’s a funny thing: I never thought to analyze Jane Roberts‘ birth chart, until now. Blame Cash Peters. If I were going to lay odds on Saturn being prominent in a … Continue reading

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“Now Did You Read the News Today?”

Current Events This illustration has an image from the animated film, “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”, which seems appropriate, somehow. It’s the child’s equivalent of last year’s “Don’t Look Up”. But I digress. In a world searching for the … Continue reading

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When His Need for Speed Turned Deadly

James Dean’s Fatal Car Crash (September 30, 1955) Meet the ‘Little Bastard’. Dean Jeffries, who had a paint shop next to [George] Barris, did the customizing work which consisted of: painting ‘130’ in black non-permanent paint on the front hood, … Continue reading

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Instead of Triggering Everyone’s Fear of Death…

They Should have Triggered the Fear of Missing Out Now, hear me out, because this is a basic sales technique. The coronavirus panic that started 22 months ago could have been handled better. In the beginning the only hope at … Continue reading

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